Архив рубрики: Premium

Интервью с Сэром Малкольмом Рифкиндом: О Трампе и трампизме, отношениях США-РФ, Британия-РФ и о деле Литвиненко

К читателям

Начать я хочу с извинения перед читателями за долгое молчание. Как всегда, слишком закрутился и погряз в делах.

Тут и строительство дома в Гилдфорде, графство Сарри, о котором я давно обещал и никак не могу начать рассказ (строительство заканчиваю в мае, сразу выставляю его на продажу и точно начну писать эту довольно забавную и поучительную историю), и участие в проекте мирного урегулирования вокруг Украины…

По Украине есть свои сложности. По некоторым причинам я сейчас не могу активно путешествовать, и британские коллеги сейчас ездят в Киев без меня, но участвовать в их подготовке мне приходится. В частности, писать для них аналитические записки по разным вопросам украинской действительности, а там все развивалось и развивается очень активно. То блокаду сепаратистам объявят такую, что никто понять в Европе не может, что этой блокадой достигнуть пытались: или себе жизнь усложнить, или только для Порошенко, или Европе и МВФ головной боли прибавить, или Донбасс отрезать от себя окончательно, или Ахметова пограбить, или так… по пьянке или болезни чего надумали?

Рубрика Premium, Великобритания, Перестройка Запада, Политика, США, Украина | Метки , , , , | Добавить комментарий

Russian View on Trump and Brexit, part 3.1

Witness of History

In the Academy, my favorite professor was Eugene Petrovich Sitkovskiy. He was one of the best specialists in the Soviet Union on the German philosopher Georg Hegel and the dialectics. However, my whole group looked forward to attend his lectures not because of his knowledge of Hegel, but to listen to his stories.

—         Evgeniy Petrovich, please, tell us about Stalin or Bukharin, — one of us used to ask him in the beginning of a lecture, as soon as Sitkovskiy sat down at his table. – We will read about Hegel ourselves.

Sitkovskiy had unique life experience, he personally knew Lenin, Bogdanov, Stalin and other leaders of the Soviet past. The History spoke to us through Sitkovskiy.





E.P.Sitkovskiy, in 1980-s

—         Morozov, are you planning to write your thesis on Bogdanov? – he asked me after the first lecture.

Рубрика Premium, Relational Thinking, АПН, История, Мемуары, Политика, Философия | Метки , , , , , , , | Добавить комментарий

Russian View on Trump and Brexit, part 3

The offers I couldn’t refuse

In 1988, I was invited to the Communist Party Committee of the “Novosti” Press Agency (APN), where I was told, that “there is a decision” to give me recommendation to the postgraduate studies in the Academy of Social Sciences of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

—         What is your decision? – the Secretary of the Committee asked me.

—         Thank you. I agree.

—         Fine. Please, inform the Chief Editor of your Department.

When I entered the room of Nikolay Fedin, the Chief Editor of the Asian Department of APN and told him about the offer I had just received, he was surprised.

—         What did you tell them? – he asked me.

—         I agreed.

—         Are you crazy? You will lose three years.  What they can teach you there?!

Рубрика Premium, АПН, История, Моральная политика и экономика, Перестройка в СССР, Философия | Метки , , , , | Добавить комментарий

Russian View on Trump and Brexit, part 2

Part 2

About Physics, Lyrics and Politics


In the first article of this series, I analyzed the circumstances and the events, which had led to the arrest of Aleksey Ulyukaev, the Russian Minister for economic development. The story of the arrest is a vivid example of the importance of the relations and interconnections in the modern World.

The Russian liberals, who dominated in Russian economy for the last 25 years and its political life from 1991 to at least 2008, suddenly found themselves threatened by the possibility of change in the relationship between the US and the Russian Presidents. More, the change in the relations between the two Presidents threatens the future of the elites in the USA and the Western European countries.

Actually, before writing the first part in English, I had written the article about the arrest of Ulyukaev for the Russian readers.

Рубрика Premium, Relational Thinking, История, Моральная политика и экономика, Перестройка Запада, Философия | Метки , , , | Добавить комментарий

Russian view on Trump and Brexit


In July, I started writing and publishing in Russia a series of articles under the title «The Gunshot of British “Aurora” and Trump Phenomena”. For foreign readers, who don’t know the history of Russia, here I explain that the battleship Cruiser “Aurora» occupies a special place in Russian history. This battleship, standing on the river Neva in St. Petersburg in October 1917, was under political influence and the command of the Bolshevik (Communist) party. “Aurora” made a gunshot as a signal to attack by the Bolshevik military unit of the Winter Palace and the arrest of the Russian Intermediate Government. This storming of the Winter Palace is known in World history as the Great October Socialist Revolution. This revolution brought into being Soviet Russia, the USSR and later fifteen independent States, including modern Russia, led by Vladimir Putin.

In those articles, I wrote that Brexit and the appearance of “the Trump phenomena” and trumpism in the USA have become loud and powerful signals demonstrating the start of processes that could result in a political radical transformation that is bound to change the World.

Рубрика Premium, Relational Thinking, Великобритания, Моральная политика и экономика, Перестройка Запада, Политика, США, Украина, Философия, Экономика | 1 комментарий