Архив метки: perestroika

Russian View on Trump and Brexit, part 3

The offers I couldn’t refuse

In 1988, I was invited to the Communist Party Committee of the “Novosti” Press Agency (APN), where I was told, that “there is a decision” to give me recommendation to the postgraduate studies in the Academy of Social Sciences of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

—         What is your decision? – the Secretary of the Committee asked me.

—         Thank you. I agree.

—         Fine. Please, inform the Chief Editor of your Department.

When I entered the room of Nikolay Fedin, the Chief Editor of the Asian Department of APN and told him about the offer I had just received, he was surprised.

—         What did you tell them? – he asked me.

—         I agreed.

—         Are you crazy? You will lose three years.  What they can teach you there?!

Рубрика Premium, АПН, История, Моральная политика и экономика, Перестройка в СССР, Философия | Метки , , , , | Добавить комментарий