Архив метки: war in Ukraine

Trump’s America and Putin’s Russia

(From the series “Trump’s America in the New World Order”, Part 6)

The world has experienced a turning point. After the first round of American-Russian negotiations that took place in Saudi Arabia, the system of international relations changed radically, and the world entered a new stage of development.

Analysing the results of the first round of US-Russian negotiations, the following conclusions need to be made:

  1. Donald Trump and his team continue to act, prioritizing the resolution of US domestic problems, including the fastest possible entry into a new technological level of economic development, the creation of a new financial system, and securing America’s role as a world leader.  
  2. Based on his strategic goals, Trump has taken the initiative and the role of leader in the process of forming a new world order. Trump and his team see China and Russia as America’s main competitors for global leadership.

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Times of impossible and inevitable wars

There are very few state leaders and politicians who view what is happening in the world not as some series of events and emerging problems, but as one single process. If the interconnections of events lie on the surface and cannot be ignored, most of politicians react according to the principle:

If you face new problem – find the enemy – save yourself, destroy your enemy – portray yourself as victim or winner, or better, as both.

There are no attempts to understand reasons of events and problems, and that is one of the main reasons why military conflicts are emerging and multiplying in the world, and major powers struggle to take conflicts under control, but unable to resolve them.

Everyone feels that the world has entered new era, but behave, think and act as if no significant changes have taken place in the world over the past four hundred years.

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The Ukrainian Trap, part 1

Wars rarely develop, much less end, the way wars had been planned by those who started them. More often than not, the results of wars had little in common with intentions of their planners, and often the results and consequences of wars turned out to be completely opposite to intentions of war participants.

Moreover, with the growing role of civilizations in the international relations, wars become not only more unpredictable, but tun into traps for those who start them or get involved in them.

Politicians and officials start wars between states, out of state interests, but these wars quickly turn into conflicts between civilizations, and finding ways out of intercivilizational wars within the framework of interstate relations turns out to be not only extremely difficult, but sometimes impossible.

Those wars turn out to be traps for states, their political leaders and peoples.

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To be, or not to be the Russian Tsar, part 4

                                                           In the Ukrainian Trap

Situation in Russia, Europe and in the world is rapidly developing, spurred on by escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict that becomes world war, covers all spheres of life and leads to sharp aggravation of contradictions, including social and economic, within most of the states involved. The world is changing rapidly, and as Josep Borrell said to those who oppose those changes and the war itself: “What kind of peace do you need?!”

The aggravation is manifested in events that become symbols reflecting processes hidden for many, but that may determine the future of mankind.

In this article, I would like to draw attention to two events: the attack by Ukrainian drones on the Moscow Kremlin and the sharp surge in terrorist and sabotage activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, and the “rebellion” of the head of the Wagner private military company, Yevgeny Prigozhin, who insulted the highest Commanders of the Russian Armed Forces, personally Minister of Defense Sergey Shoigu and Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov.

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War in Ukraine and Conflict of Civilizations

                                                                       Part 1

                            Global crisis and conflict of civilizations

The crisis that has engulfed the world is deeper and more systemic than any economic and socio-political crisis that mankind faced before in its history. This crisis is not caused by class contradictions, ideological confrontation, struggle of elites or states for influence, territory or wealth. All that, including economic and ideological contradictions, socio-political splits, national conflicts and elite clashes, are only accompanying and derivative components of the main and deeper crisis that the world plunged into at the beginning of the 21st century.

This unprecedented global crisis is caused by the conflict of civilizations.

The crisis in the relations and interactions of the main world civilizations is complex, it goes simultaneously in different dimensions and manifests itself in different spheres of life and affairs. The main conflict between civilizations takes place in the form of struggle of group of civilizations for equal rights and positions in the system of international relations and against the dominance of Western civilization in the world affairs.

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