(“Trump’s America in the New World Order”, Part 5)
Since his inauguration, Donald Trump has been actively influencing world events not only through his actions and statements, but also through his silence. Even before his first conversation as US President with European leaders and Putin, Trump confronted the Kremlin and European leaders with a choice that requires a change of political elites and overturns existing politics and party systems. By keeping his silence, Trump has determined Zelensky’s fate and launched divisions and active struggle for power in Ukraine.
And most important, Trump’s statements and the reaction from analysts and political elites in Russia and most European countries, including traditional US allies such as Great Britain, France and Germany, have shown the chasm of misunderstanding that separates the US president’s team and most politicians in other countries, both his allies and rivals.
Trump’s conversation with Keir Starmer, the British Prime Minister, was rather indicative. Based on the reaction in London and the Labour Party, one may conclude that Starmer did not even understand what Trump wanted to say and intended to do. The same problem is demonstrated by the twitchy reaction to Trump’s actions in the Kremlin, Brussels, and Kiev.
And this fundamentally distinguishes Europe, Ukraine and Russia from China and India, where Trump is perceived much more adequately.
It seems that in Europe and in Russia the elites are looking at Trump as if from another reality, “through the looking glass”. Some are looking at him with anger, indignation, and some with fear and confusion, as if Trump made some “ultimatum” and not an offer.
Analysing the statements and actions of Donald Trump and his team, European and Russian commentators and politicians emphasize what lies on the surface, what seems important to them, what directly affects their interests, threatens them, or meets their hopes and expectations. They attribute their own desires, fears, and intentions to Trump. And in doing so, they miss the central point.
American Survival and Greatness Through Efficiency.
In everything Trump does, talks about, there is a central, core element around which all policies and actions of the White House for the coming years are formed. This core, this central element, is efficiency. And this choice of goal was forced and predetermined by absolutely objective factors and reasons. Trump has no other choice. This is the US reality of 2025.
Trump is forced to put the efficiency factor at the centre, otherwise the United States will face not only the loss of leadership, but also uncontrollable and unprecedented financial, economic and social crises.
For the first time in hundred years, the United States has lost its leadership in industrial production and ability to influence strategic decisions made by other countries. The United States is losing its leadership in the development of advanced technologies, as evidenced by the Chinese DeepSeek and Qwen 2.5max that caused the value of US AI technology companies to collapse by over a trillion dollars.
The United States and its allies are incapable of winning a non-nuclear war against Russia, and the weaknesses of the Western military complex are increasingly exposed on the fronts of Ukraine and the Middle East.
All this forces Trump to restructure the entire system of governance, primarily of the US economy and finances. But not only that. Trump also needs to change the system of governance in Europe. Otherwise, Europe will become an unacceptable burden, like Zelensky’s Ukraine.
Trump’s top priority is to increase the efficiency of the state apparatus, including the federal government and then the states. That inevitably leads to a reduction in bureaucracy by tens of millions, and the recently announced reduction of three million officials is only the beginning.
Trump is forced to sharply increase the efficiency of education and scientific research, including by closing ineffective programs, primarily those that are based not on real needs, but on outdated ideologies and false slogans, on the concepts of liberal inclusiveness, some false ideas in green energy and global warming.
Trump has first of all thrown out the false “scientific justifications” formed in the interests of certain financial groups that are unable to compete in the real sectors of the economy. He stopped their financial, informational and administrative support. Real and objective studies will be published in the near future.
Trump intends to dramatically increase the efficiency of the military-industrial complex, by reducing the cost of weapons, the speed of creating new-generation weapons, and by making a breakthrough in military technologies, AI, and space. And to ensure all that, he needs to increase the efficiency and to reduce the cost of energy production, as well as materials and other resources.
During his four years in office, Trump is going to make the most powerful leap in history in the development of the energy capacities of the United States, the largest energy complex in the world. This will be done by developing the energy sector not only of the United States, but also of Canada and Greenland that are to become part of the North American civilizational macro-region.
How exactly the North American macro-region will be legally formalized is of no particular importance. This will be decided in the coming weeks, but the main thing is that it will be a single cultural, social, political, military and economic complex.
The UK and the EU may join or merge into this complex, or to create their own macro-region, but to do so they need to carry out the appropriate modernisation and restructuring – a “Trump-style perestroika” – in the next few months.
Trump has cast aside the ideologies and moral principles that divert financial resources and prevent the breakthrough and the achievement of a new level of efficiency in social and political systems.
Trump needs to remove unnecessary human resources from the United States that do not fit into the new America. At the same time, the education and training system must ensure the maximum growth of intelligence, creativity and skills of the American people.
Efficiency is the basis of political, economic, military-strategic and foreign policy decisions. This is precisely why the new Department of Government Efficiency was created, headed by Elon Musk, who has proven in organizing his business, his abilities and skill in solving problems, achieving goals and making breakthrough in increasing efficiency.
Why did all this happen at the beginning of 2025? Why, during his first presidency, did Donald Trump spoke about “improvement” of “cripple” state, but not set such a task of increasing the efficiency of the state and the economy, the financial, political and social systems? And why, in 2017, were there no people like Elon Musk, Pete Hegseth and those who have now united around Donald Trump?
Burning Daylight. Time waits for no one
Many of the problems that America and Europe are facing today did not appear in recent years. These problems appeared in the 1960s and grew in the 1970s and early 1980s. The United States and the entire West were already engulfed by a series of crises that rolled in like a tsunami in the “burning daylight” of the West.
There were no crises in the USSR and the countries of the socialist camp, but difficulties and problems, including in the economy and social sphere, caused primarily by corruption, degradation of top bureaucracy and the inefficiency of the political system, grew like an avalanche.
It was precisely the differences in the nature of the problems in the economic and social spheres that predetermined the collapse of one system and the breakthrough, the prosperity of another system for thirty years. One system absorbed the other and thus was saved. But only for a time…
The leader of the USSR, Yuri Andropov, and then his successor, Mikhail Gorbachev, attempted to bring the USSR to a new level of development, primarily through reforming the party bureaucratic system of governance. The Soviet state was entirely under the control, and thus in the ownership, of the party and state bureaucracy. The reforms were supposed to allow more effective use of the scientific, technological, intellectual and social potential that had already been accumulated in the USSR.
It was precisely the inefficiency, decay and degradation of the highest party and state bureaucracy that prevented the USSR from using scientific achievements, ideas and technological developments, not only in the civilian but also in the military sectors of the economy.
Andropov’s illness and death, and then Gorbachev’s haste and ill-considered political decisions led to the collapse of the USSR and the destruction of the socialist experiment. The attempt to build a communist society failed.
The main reason for Gorbachev’s failure was that Gorbachev and his closest associates tried to reform the party bureaucracy, being themselves typical bureaucrats, its central clan. And they used exclusively bureaucratic methods.
All members of Gorbachev’s team had little experience working in the real sectors of the economy. They climbed the party ladder, proving mainly their loyalty to the leadership, unconditionally submitting to the decisions of the highest party officials. They had no experience in overcoming, understanding and solving real problems.
The degraded bureaucracy attempted to restructure and raise its own efficiency to a new level, and that was doomed to failure and defeat.
The collapse of the USSR and the socialist camp allowed the USA and Europe, primarily transnational corporations followed by the entire Western economy, to get a respite, freeze their internal problems and contradictions for a while, to gain control over huge markets, skilled labour, natural resources, and free themselves from both external and internal threats.
But now the situation has changed radically. Further expansion and absorption of competing economic systems has become impossible, and old cracks, contradictions and problems in the US and Europe have become more acute and vivid.
As an example, we can consider the situation in the financial sector.
The Capital and the Money
The US banking and financial system was recognized as obsolete already in the early 1980s. That was the time, when the US transnational corporations and companies that occupied leading positions in industrial production, especially in high-tech industries, started their transition to a new technological level, and they found the banking system unnecessary and a burden.
The contradiction between the industrial-production and scientific-technical sectors, on the one hand, and the banking, financial, investment and speculative sectors, on the other hand, grew.
Corporations had enough turnover, revenue and working capital to develop their businesses. They did not need bank loans. The demand from the manufacturing business for monetary resources accumulated over centuries in the banking, speculative and investment sectors fell catastrophically. These resources became a burden for the Western economy.
In order to use the accumulated money supply, banks and financial institutions artificially stimulated the growth of the state and population’s credit debt, and also stimulated the emergence of “scientific research”, “theories» about «threats to humanity” and false “facts” that were used to support and accelerate the development of those areas in energy and industries that, under equal and objective conditions, were unprofitable, too costly to develop, wasteful, and required huge financial injections. The costs were then imposed on the entire state, population and all sectors of the economy.
Moreover, it became clear that the money supply does not reflect the real level of business development, its real capital and potential. Companies emerged that were more efficient than their competitors. Their value was tens of times greater than all their assets, including cash, property, and all material stocks of goods.
The concept of social capital emerged that reflected the value of moral principles, relationships, and interactions in society, as well as in the economy and business. Money, capital, including intellectual, moral and social capital, the real value of companies and businesses turned out to be different concepts, interconnected by complex and often completely unpredicted interrelations.
The emergence of social capital and the awareness of the importance of moral principles and ethics in business also required a review and reform of the banking and financial sectors.
Excessive financial injections not only reduced the efficiency of economic structures, but also led to creation of dead-end false research, “development projects”, and those projects’ costs imposed a huge burden on the entire country, including the most advance technological industries, and often on other countries, including the US allies.
In the late 1980s, solution and salvation for the outdated banking system was found (or created) through a compromise, an alliance created to capture the markets, production, resources and human potential of the disintegrating socialist camp and the countries of the so-called “third world”.
It was in the absorption of the markets and productive forces of the former socialist camp, as well as the development of third world countries, primarily China, India, Southeast Asia and Latin America, that the temporary alliance was created, and that was the alliance of thehighly productive and technologically advanced companies and corporations with financial, speculative and banking sectors.
Transnational corporations got from American banks the opportunity to receive loans in any volume and for any period at 0.1% – 0.25% interest rate, to direct these loans, in addition to their own working capital and financial resources, to expand the zone of American and European business operations, to absorb production, resources and markets in the former republics of the USSR, Eastern European countries and developing countries, and the Western European countries that did not have such resources.
The same finances were used to create new production facilities by corporations in Eastern Europe and Russia, and when in 1994-1996, corruption and criminalization of power in Russia and the former republics of the USSR threatened the investments, new production facilities began to be created in a concentrated manner in China, the countries of Southeast Asia and India.
The alliance between manufacturing corporations and banks made it possible for American companies to buy up Western European manufacturers en masse.
The rise to power of Silvio Berlusconi in Italy in 1994 was one of the best examples.
Berlusconi became Prime Minister of Italy precisely as a representative of transnational industrial corporations that were given the opportunity to buy up controlling stakes in virtually any Italian company. Berlusconi exempted Italian companies that were bought by transnational corporations from taxes, and that, on the one hand, made them a profitable acquisition for American business, and on the other hand, opened up huge sales markets for Italian companies, for production facilities located in Italy, including the markets of America, the former USSR, China and India. In 1994, branches of American corporations throughout the world were instructed to sell primarily the products of factories in Italy on their markets.
An important point.
In the 1990s, the investments that corporations made using the bank loans received at 0.1% – 0.25% interest rate, brought an average of 30% profit per year.
Thus, receiving credit resources at no more than 0.5% per annum, corporations expanded their business at an unprecedented pace and volume, receiving huge profits.
For their part, banks were able to make the most of their money supply, print new dollars and euros, expand their businesses, and lend to ever larger sections of the population, including in the world regions that had previously been inaccessible to them.
Banks issued loans to individuals and small businesses in the US and Europe at an interest rate that significantly exceeded the interest rate for transnational corporations, while in the countries of the former USSR, credit resources for population, businesses and the new banking sector that emerged there were provided at an interest rate that was tens of times higher than the interest rate for loans to American companies.
In Russia and other former Soviet republics, almost no one understoodwhat was happening (as most still do not understand it today). The new elites believed that the Western banking system was the pinnacle of business, and in Russia, with great enthusiasm from both the government, state corporations, private business and criminal groups, a new financial and banking sector was created according to the Western system that had already been outdated. The USSR banking system had been destroyed and given over to the Western banks to be devoured.
Thus, a system was created in Russia under the control of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, that was initially built as a copy of an obsolete system on the ruins of the system destroyed by the bureaucracy that privatized the resources of the USSR.
The system that currently exists in the USA, Europe, Russia and other countries of the former USSR is not capable of ensuring an effective transition of economies to a new technological order.
In the 21st century the situation changed dramatically. And those changes were brought by China, other rapidly developing countries, and the same US transnational corporations.
The Causes and Roots of the West’s Technological Problems
In the 1990s, in the context of rapid market expansion, the production capacities created in the 20th century in the USA were fully utilized and worked at full capacity. Closing them, even with the aim to replace them by new production, made no sense and carried the threat of increasing social tension. Therefore, production facilities based on the latest technologies and innovations were initially planned to be created in the Europe and Russia, and then, after the corruption conflicts and the crisis in the Boris Yeltsin clan that ruled Russia in the mid-1990s, the decisions were taken to create high-tech production facilities in the countries of the “third” world, primarily in China.
In the mid-2010s, it became clear that China, including Taiwan, as well as South Korea and some other countries where Western high-tech companies were actively investing, began to overtake the United States in both production volumes and technological progress. It turned out that China had imported not only technologies and production from the United States, Europe, the former Soviet Union, including Russia and Ukraine, but also innovation potential, brains, specialists, and knowledge.
The United States faced with a situation that had happened before, for example, after World War II, when Americans helped rebuild Japan’s industry, and then American corporations and businesses were forced out of Japan, and Japanese corporations not only occupied their domestic market, but entered the markets of the United States and Europe, filling them with their goods in the 1970s and 1980s.
By Donald Trump’s first term as US president, China had begun to surge ahead in trade and manufacturing, emerging as an independent power vying for global leadership. By the end of Biden’s presidency, China’s advantage became vivid and clear, and US corporations were unable to bring their high-tech manufacturing back to America.
All this requires a radical reform of the banking and financial sectors. And this is an inevitable reality!
Trump is already solving this problem. And if Russia and Europe fail to react quickly and to join Trump in trying to rebuild the world’s financial system, Russia and Europe will face a crisis that they can hardly even imagine.
Whether the Kremlin, London or Brussels like Trump’s so-called “ultimatum” or not is the problem of London, Brussels and the Kremlin. If they ignore Trump’s “ultimatum”, the current ruling elites will inevitably be replaced by others who will do what is necessary to be done.
(To be continued)