Архив метки: Academy

Russian View on Trump and Brexit, part 3.1

Witness of History

In the Academy, my favorite professor was Eugene Petrovich Sitkovskiy. He was one of the best specialists in the Soviet Union on the German philosopher Georg Hegel and the dialectics. However, my whole group looked forward to attend his lectures not because of his knowledge of Hegel, but to listen to his stories.

–         Evgeniy Petrovich, please, tell us about Stalin or Bukharin, – one of us used to ask him in the beginning of a lecture, as soon as Sitkovskiy sat down at his table. – We will read about Hegel ourselves.

Sitkovskiy had unique life experience, he personally knew Lenin, Bogdanov, Stalin and other leaders of the Soviet past. The History spoke to us through Sitkovskiy.





E.P.Sitkovskiy, in 1980-s

–         Morozov, are you planning to write your thesis on Bogdanov? – he asked me after the first lecture.

Рубрика Premium, Relational Thinking, АПН, История, Мемуары, Политика, Философия | Метки , , , , , , , | Добавить комментарий