Архив метки: Mody

Indian-Russian industrial cluster and “energy rupees”

We live in times when many, including politicians, see the world drawn by propagandists, and these images, often contradictory to each other, have little in common with reality. Others try to look objectively, but they evaluate reality in the paradigm of the old mummified ideas and concepts that also do not correspond with the reality.

This is not surprising, because at the turning points of history and technological development, even those who are the creators and direct participants of the events, see only a small part of what is happening. They act by trial and error, responding to the immediate needs of their parties, factions and clans, often from position of political realism.

This explains why some important events that took place in July 2024 during the visits of the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Russia, Turkish President Recep Erdogan to Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, as well as during the trip of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to Ukraine, Russia, Azerbaijan, China and the United States, went almost unnoticed and remain misunderstood.

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