The impact of Prigozhin rebellion on Putin’s Russia
The coup attempt, the Prigozhin rebellion, or the “March for Justice”, as Prigozhin called it himself, has already generated important changes in the system of state governance in Russia.
Rubicon was not crossed
To understand better the changes that are taking place in Russia, I would like to note down few singularities in the story of the Prigozhin rebellion and give my explications and conclusions.
First. Changes in the upper echelon of power in Russia was one of the main goals of Prigozhin, declared openly by him. In that, he was supported by other commanders and fighters of the PMC Wagner and those in Moscow, who stood behind them for more than ten years and kept supporting the PMC Wagner in recent months, when the conflict between the Wagner and the Ministry of Defense came into open.
It looks like that demand for changes were fostered by anger and irritation with how the war in Ukraine began and was going on, how the bureaucratic clans in Russia continue to live, nourished by war, using the Russian army not for winning the war, but to increase profits and protect their interests, to get more power and wealth.